av L Kroon · 2007 · Citerat av 2 — Renormalization of aperiodic model lattices: spectral properties. J. Phys. to the integrable sine-Gordon equation ∂2u/∂t2 − ∂2u/∂x2 + sin u = 0, which can.


23 Sep 2011 fermions - there is another theory, the massive Thirring model, that Measuring the quantum sine-Gordon kink mass numerically is a challenge, since one and can be renormalized [17] to produce the result for the mass

In the continuum limit the theory has a phase in which the kink current is anomalous, with divergence given by the vortex density. This at rst looks similar to (ordinary) Sine-Gordon Theory, whose RG(renormalization group) ow is well-known to be Kosterlitz-Thouless type. Though we will not derive it here, several methods can be used to calcu-late this(e.g.[4,5]). There were once some belief that our Chiral Sine-Gordon(˜SG) model can be mapped into or- We analyse the renormalizability of the sine-Gordon model by the example of the two-point Green function up to second order in alpha_r(M), the dimensional coupling constant defined at the normalization scale M, and to all orders in beta^2, the dimensionless coupling constant. The sine-Gordon model is discussed and analyzed within the framework of the renormalization group theory.

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Results. Summary I. SG Higgs potential. Summary II. Wetterich RG equation. Functional Renormalization Group. Wetterich RG  Renormalization group analysis of the hyperbolic sine-Gordon model -- Asymptotic freedom from cosh interaction --. Takashi Yanagisawa. We present a   On the renormalization of periodic potentials · Functional renormalization group approach to the sine-Gordon model · Magnetic particle hyperthermia: Néel  β2 < 8π, this system exhibits a boundary renormalization-group flow from Neumann to.

The model. Re-scaled Action for the sine-Gordon model.

The renormalization of the generalized sine-Gordon model was investigated [53] by the Wegner-Houghton method [54] and by the functional renormalization group method [55]. We use the dimensional regularization method in deriving the renormalization group equation for the generalized sine-Gordon model.

2. Talrika exempel på översättningar klassificerade efter aktivitetsfältet av “gordon-shapiro model” – Engelska-Svenska ordbok och den intelligenta  Isovector channel of quark-meson-coupling model and its effect on symmetry Monte Carlo simulations for a nonlocal sine-Gordon theory, vortex fluctuations,  consistencies can be explained using a quantum mechanical model for the two-color high-order highly excited renormalized Rydberg states will connect smoothly to the continuum states at the O. E. Martinez, J. P. Gordon and R. L. Fork.

Sine gordon model renormalization

We renormalize the (1+1)-dimensional sine-Gordon model by placing it on a Euclidean lattice, and study the renormalization group flow. We start with a compactified theory with controllable vortex activity. In the continuum limit the theory has a phase in which the kink current is anomalous, with divergence given by the vortex density. The phase structure is quite complicated.

Sine gordon model renormalization

Re-scaled Action for the sine-Gordon model. Renormalization group flows equations of the sine-Gordon model. Kosterlitz-Thouless Phase Diagram . Gap. Red-marked items: updates on the original lecture plan. We renormalize the (1+1)-dimensional sine-Gordon model by placing it on a Euclidean lattice, and study the renormalization group flow. We start with a compactified theory with controllable vortex activity.

The particle spectrum consists of a soliton, an anti-soliton and a finite (possibly zero) number of breathers. The number of the breathers depends on the value of the parameter. Multi particle productions cancels on mass shell.
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Sine gordon model renormalization

Indeed, let u(x) = ’(x). Then the action Functional Renormalization Group Approach to the Sine-Gordon Model S. Nagy,1 I. Na´ndori,2 J. Polonyi,3 and K. Sailer1 1Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary 2Institute of Nuclear Research, P.O. Box 51, H-4001 Debrecen, Hungary 3Strasbourg University, CNRS-IPHC, BP28 67037 Strasbourg Cedex 2, France The chiral sine-Gordon model is a model for G-valued fields and describes a new class of phase transitions, where G is a compact Lie group. We show that the model is renormalizable by means of a perturbation expansion and we derive beta functions of the renormalization group theory. arXiv:hep-th/0509100v1 14 Sep 2005 Renormalization–Group Analysis of Layered Sine–Gordon Type Models I. Nandori´ 1,2, S. Nagy3, K. Sailer3 and U. D. Jentschura2 1Institute of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Sine-Gordon Model and Renormalization Group Predictions David J. Lancaster Department of Computer Science Westminster University Juan J. Ruiz-Lorenzo Departamento de F¶‡sica Universidad de Extremadura Instituto de Biocomputaci¶on y F¶‡sica de los Sistemas Complejos [BIFI](UZ) D.J.Lancaster@westminster.ac.uk, ruiz@unex.es Renormalization of the Sine-Gordon model To learn more about the phase transition, we need to perform an explicit RG calculation. The good news about the SG model is that we can do so using the standard Wilson RG momentum shell approach.

A33 (2000) 6543-6548 hep-th/0003258 sine-Gordon model J. Mateos Guilarte The classical action and the field equations Solitary waves: kinks, solitons, and breathers The sine- Gordon Hamiltonian: more conserved charges Lectures on Quantum sine-Gordon Models Juan Mateos Guilarte1;2 1Departamento de Física Fundamental (Universidad de Salamanca) 2IUFFyM (Universidad de Salamanca) -function of the sine-Gordon model taking explicitly into account the period-icity. of interaction. the.
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Example: Tensor-network representation of the Clock Model. = −෍ Tensor network renormalization (TNR, Evenbly, Vidal 2015) Sine-Gordon Model:.

— y). Editor: J.-P. Blaizot. Abstract.

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-function of the sine-Gordon model taking explicitly into account the period-icity. of interaction. the. potential. the c. The. along. integration of -function trajectories of the non-perturbative renormalization group flow gives access to the central charges of the model in the fixed points. The results at vanishing frequency. β. 2

Non-perturbative renormalization of the sine-Gordon model. The variational approach to the sine-Gordon model. WKB formula for the mass of quantum breather. therein for the results on the sine-Gordon massless model using the quantum inverse scattering method). 1. The Renormalization Scheme. To prove the  dimensional Sine-Gordon (SG) model in a two-parameter perturbative considering the renormalization of 2n-point functions of exponentials of the SG field.

With a general Gaussian wave functional, the authors investigate the mass renormalization in the sine-Gordon model. At the phase transition point, the sine-Gordon system tends to a system of massless free bosons which possesses conformal symmetry.

The chiral sine-Gordon model is a model for G-valued fields and describes a new class of phase transitions, where G is a compact Lie group. We show that the model is renormalizable by means Renormalization Group Theory&Sine-Gordon Model. SUMMARY OF THE LECTURES. Lecture 2. January 21st. Renormalization Group Theory . General procedure III: Averaging in the fast modes’ ground state.

We renormalize the (1+1)-dimensional sine-Gordon model by placing it on a Euclidean lattice, and study the renormalization group flow.